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Q: What enzyme initiates the auto digestive process in acute pancreatitis?
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AcidAnswer:Saliva is essentially a neutral fluid. Its main contribution to the digestive process is ptalin an enzyme that initiates the digestive processes.

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What process begins at the promoter of DNA?

The promoter is the sight at which the transcription machinery binds the DNA and initiates the transcription of the gene.

Where is food mashed and mixed with digestive juices?

in our body lol

What enzyme is in the stomach?

The enzyme present in the stomach is pepsin. It breaks down the proteins in food while in your stomach and helps with the digestive process.

How alcohol damages the pancreas?

Alcohol can reduce the amount of digestive enzymes secreted by the pancreas, thereby causing it to inflame and leak digestive enzyme. Alcohol abuse is the leading cause of pancreatitis, it, along with gall stones, accounts for 80%-90% of all cases.

What is an example of an enzyme in your body?

An example of an enzyme in the body is amylase I and II. They are produced by chewing and by the pancreas respectively. They both aid in the digestive process in the body.

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How does one diagnose pancreatitis?

Diagnosis of pancreatitis can be made very early in the disease by noting high levels of pancreatic enzymes circulating in the blood (amylase and lipase). Later in the disease, and in chronic pancreatitis, these enzyme levels will no longer be elevated.

Where is an enzyme in the digestive system?

In the liver.

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