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The enzyme which the body uses to digest lactose is lactase.

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3y ago
i'm wors then: lactose intolerance, i was born with: severe type1 classic galactosemia (cg). i was born without any: enzyme whatever's supposed 2 digest: milk/dairy&/ or: lactose
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Lactase, an enzyme required for the complete metabolisation of lactose

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Q: What lack of enzyme cause lactose intolerance?
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What is lactate tolerance?

Lactose intolerance is the inability to metabolize lactose, because of a lack of the required enzyme lactase in the digestive system.

Is height and weight significant in lactose intolerance?

Adults need a particular enzyme in their stomach to tolerate lactose. Babies are born with that enzyme. It turns off automatically in a number of children when they get to be about six years old. As a result they become lactose intolerant. Height and weight have nothing to do with lactose intolerance but the lack of an enzyme. Some people lactose intolerant people drink milk with a bacterium added which adds that enzyme. Others eat milk in the form of cheese or yogurt.

Why people are lack tose and tolarant?

lactose intolerant. they lack the enzyme amylase which digests dairy

What is lactase used for?

Lactase improves the digestion of milk by some people who lack the enzymes, aka lactose intolerance.

What is it called when you cant eat anything dairy?

Semi Vegan depending on your other foood choices

Where can I find more information on lactose interolance?

Lactose is a sugar naturally found in milk and other dairy products. People with lactose intolerance lack the ability to properly digest lactose. If you are lactose intolerant you will need to carefully monitor your consumption of dairy products, while still ensuring that your body gets enough calcium from other sources. Both WebMD and the Mayo Clinic have more detailed information on what lactose intolerance is and how to live with it.

Is drinking milk when you're lactose intolerant bad for you?

Theoretically, yes. Many times, people can develop intolerances to certain foods. If you think you have developed lactose intolerance, take a break from dairy for a while, and your body will 'forget' that it doesn't like that stuff. Lactose intolerance can also be helped with probiotics. While antibiotics kill bacteria, probiotics introduce 'good' bacteria into the body. Lactose intolerance could be worsened by the lack of good bacteria (that normally digest the lactose enzyme) in the intestines. for more info for non biased info

What's Lactose intolerance?

Lactose Intolerant means that your body is unable to metabolize, or tolerate, a sugar found in milk and other dairy products called Lactose. It is caused by a lack of lactase, the enzyme required to break down lactose in the digestive system, and results in symptoms including abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, nausea and acid reflux.For more information, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Sources and Related Links.Lactose Intolerance is a medical condition that is similar to an allergy, in a way. A person who is lactose intolerant does not produce the enzyme that is used in digestion to break down the sugars found in milk and other dairy products (this sugar is called lactose). As a result, the sugars remain un-digested in the stomcah and digestive tract. This can cause pain, bloating, swelling, dicomfort, nasuea, vomiting, and infection. People who are lactoce intolerant are advised to eliminate dairy products out of their diet. In more milder cases, people can take a medication (often known as a "lact-aid") that conatins the enzyme that will allow them to digest small amounts of lactose found in their diet.

What effect does a lack of enzymes have on your health?

Depends on what enzyme is missing, if it is an enzyme such as the one that converts milk or wheat into amino acids (gluten and lactose intolerance) then simply avoiding these things will solve the problem, however if it is something such as a deionase problem (the enzyme which converts T4 thyroxine into T3 thyroxine) then medication will be required, some forms of enzyme deformity result in death usually in a child's early years (although thankfully rare).

What causes the symptoms of lactose intolerance?

Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest lactose. Lactose intolerance happens when the small intestine does not make enough of the enzyme lactase. Enzymes help the body absorb foods. Not having enough lactase is called lactase deficiency.

What is lactose intolerance?

General meaning:Lactose intolerance is results of an inability to digest or to metabolize lactose.due to missing or defective enzymes (inborn error of metabolism)Flow:ingested milk productsbuildup of dissacharides because deficiency of lactase in the intestinal, lactose cant be degraded to galactose and glucosecant be absorbed in to the bloodstream from the villilactose will accumulatedproducing H2, CO2 and organic acids.digestive problems: bloating and diarrheaNote that the common definition for "lactose intolerance" excludes infants. Virtually all human infants (indeed all mammal infants) are able to digest lactose, as it is a key ingredient in gaining sustenance from their mother. Infants not able to digest lactose are much more rare (and is a serious condition).Normally, mammals lose the ability to digest lactose shortly after entering childhood (in humans, somewhere between 3 and 5). However, a mutation in certain human populations somewhere around 20,000 BCE enabled those people to continue to consume milk for their entire life. So, in reality, "lactose tolerance" is the genetic aberration (though, a beneficial one).

Does the lack of maltase cause gluten tolerance?

Assuming you mean intolerance instead of tolerance, no. Gluten intolerance is a genetic autoimmune disorder where the immune system targets the intestine when certain forms of gluten reach the digestive tract. Maltase is an enzyme for digesting complex sugars. There is a lot of "intellectual cross-contamination" in fields studying enzymes, enzyme disorders, and disorders like fatigue syndromes and digestive disorders. If you do indeed have celiac disease, there is no cure, it is a genetically inherited disease - there are no enzyme pills that will fix you, you just need to avoid foods containing the protein you can't tolerate. Celiac disease is associated with and may cause many other systemic disorders, but it is not caused by them - it is genetic.