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Sarty realizes that loyalty to his father is not worth sacrificing his own moral compass and sense of justice. He understands that he must break free from his family's destructive cycle of violence in order to make a better life for himself.

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Q: What epiphany does the son sarty have in the story falkner's barn burning?
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What is the turning point in the short story Barn Burning By William Faulkner?

The turning point in "Barn Burning" by William Faulkner occurs when Sarty has to decide whether to remain loyal to his father, who has a history of burning barns, or to betray him and warn Major de Spain about his intentions. This internal conflict represents a pivotal moment in the story where Sarty chooses to break away from his family's cycle of violence.

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"Barn Burning" by William Faulkner can be considered a Bildungsroman because it traces the moral and emotional growth of the protagonist, Sarty Snopes, as he comes to terms with his father's destructive behavior and ultimately chooses to break away from his family's cycle of violence. Throughout the story, Sarty struggles to reconcile his loyalty to his father with his own sense of right and wrong, ultimately leading to a moment of personal growth and self-realization.

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