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Q: What equation relates pressure to force and area?
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What mathematical formula relates pressure force and area?

Pressure =Force/Area

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What is a force that relates to the amount of force put on a given surface area called?


What is the equation of hydraulic power?

Force = pressure X area.

What is the equation for calculating pressure?

For intance they say er,pressure is equals to force divide by area

How do you find the mass if you are given the pressure and area?

we know pressure = force/area we can calculate force from this equation therefore force =mass *acceleration a=9.8 finally we obtain the mass.

How do you find area if force and pressure given?

You can find Dynamic pressure by using bernoulli's equation. P = (density * velocity^2)/2

What is the equation for pressure when the force is perpendicular to the surface area?

Pressure of solid on a solidWhen you apply a force to a solid object, the pressure is defined as the force applied divided by the area of application. The equation for pressure is: P = F/AwhereP is the pressureF is the applied forceA is the surface area where the force is appliedF/A is F divided by AFor example, if you push on an object with your hand with a force of 20 pounds, and the area of your hand is 10 square inches, then the pressure you are exerting is 20 / 10 = 2 pounds per square inch.

How do you find pressure if force and area is given?

force= pressure*area

How can you calculate area from force and pressure?

Force (lbs) = Pressure (psi) x Area (in2)Pressure=Force/Area

How is force pressure and area related?

pressure x area= force. force is the product of pressure and area

What are relationships between pressure and force and between pressure and area?

pressure is force divided by area