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Q: What equation relates the loss of mass to energy produced?
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What equation relates this loss to energy produced?

E=mc^2 (apex)

What is lost in an atom as a result of radioactive decay What equations relates this loss to energy produced?

Alpha decay is the loss of 2 protons and 2 neutrons Beta-decay is the loss of a positron or electron Gamma decay is the loss of a photon The equation relates this loss to energy produced E=mc^2

What happens to an atom that experiences radioactive decay?

It loses mass.

What equation below is synonymous with weight loss?

energy in = energy out

Steinmetz equation for iron loss?

Steinmetz equation The loss of energy per cycle per volume is given by Steinmetz's equationwhere B is the maximum induction and is the hysteresis coefficient.

Where is nuclear energy mostly produced?

Nuclear energy is mostly produced in the nucleus of the atom, by the release of binding energy (Strong Atomic Force) which holds the nucleus together.By the processes of fission and fusion, atoms are split or combined, with the result that they lose a small amount of mass. That small loss of mass is represented by Einstein's famous mass-energy equivalence equation e = mc2 as energy, about 9 x 1016 joules per kilogram, using the CGS units that Einstein used. The equation is unit consistent, however, and will work in any system of units.

How much thermal energy is produced in an electric motor j of electrical energy are converted into 92j of mechanical energy?

Assume no vibration loss, the amount of energy input to electric motor subtract out the converted 92 J of mechanical energy is the thermal energy produced.

When current flows through a resistance is heat produced?

Yes, heat energy is produced by the electrons;however small it may be,actually if we consider a resistance then it is an hindered to the flow of electrons,as a result of which the electrons collide with the particles of wire resulting in loss of energy in the form of heat.the equation of heat generated is: H=(I^2 *R*t) where- H=heat produced in joules R=resistance of the material in ohm t=time of current flow in seconds

What is light produced without excessive loss of thermal energy?

chemiluminescent reactions produce light but not heat - like fireflies

How does Einstein's famous equation E mc2 relate to the production of the Sun's energy?

The sun produces energy by the fusion of nuclei of small elements into those of larger elements: for example hydrogen into oxygen. This process involves a loss of mass and that mass is converted into solar energy - in line with Einstein's equation.

Where is the mass found in chemical change?

In the energy because of Einsteins equation: E=mc^2. In a chemical change, mass is converted to energy because of the loss in strong forces and weak forces in molecules.

What does the term attenuate mean in physics?

The term attenuate when related to physics means the reduction of strength of a signal, flow of a current or energy in other electrical systems. It relates to the gradual loss of intensity.