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You can do the following. Make a diagram to illustrate the initial velocity at a certain position, and the velocity after a short time, delta-t. Calculate the change of velocity (delta-v) during that time. Divide delta-v by delta-x to get the acceleration. Finally, calculate the limit as delta-t tends toward zero - that is, figure out what happens when delta-t gets smaller and smaller.

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7y ago

Matt Parker has a great video on YouTube. You have to remember that acceleration (a vector) is the rate of change of velocity (which is a vector). Here is the link.

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12y ago

a= v2/r




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12y ago

a = v2 / r

acceleration (m/s/s) = orbital velocity (m/s)2 / radius (metres)

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Q: What equations describe centripetal acceleration?
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What equations describe centripetal acceleration centripetal force and gravitational force?

Centripical acceleration is the acceleration toward the centre that holds a satellite in elliptical orbit. All three are basically the same, all are attractied to a common center. They can be demonstrated by swinging an object around your head held by a length of string.

What is centripetal acceleration equation?

Two equations are commonly used for the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration (the direction of the acceleration is towards the center): a = v squared / r a = omega squared x r where: * v is the linear speed * omega is the angular speed (in radians/second) * r is the radius

Is it possible to experience centripetal acceleration but not tangential acceleration?

Yes, it is possible to experience centripetal acceleration without tangential acceleration. Centripetal acceleration is the acceleration directed towards the center of a circular path, while tangential acceleration is the acceleration along the direction of motion. In cases where an object is moving in a circular path at a constant speed, there is centripetal acceleration but no tangential acceleration.

What is the acceleration toward the center of a curved or circular path is called what acceleration?

The acceleration toward the center of a curved or circular path is called centripetal acceleration. It is directed towards the center of the circle and keeps an object moving in a circular path.

What is the differences between tangential acceleration and centripetal acceleration?

Tangential acceleration is the acceleration in the direction of motion of an object, while centripetal acceleration is the acceleration towards the center of a circular path. Tangential acceleration changes an object's speed, while centripetal acceleration changes its direction.

How is velocity and the radius related to the centripetal acceleration?

Centripetal acceleration is directly proportional to velocity squared and inversely proportional to the radius of the circular path. This means that as velocity increases, centripetal acceleration increases, and as the radius of the circle increases, centripetal acceleration decreases.

How does the centripetal force affect the centripetal acceleration of an object moving in a circle?

The centripetal force is responsible for providing the centripetal acceleration required to keep an object moving in a circle. As the centripetal force increases, the centripetal acceleration also increases, causing the object to move in a tighter circle. Conversely, a decrease in centripetal force will lead to a decrease in centripetal acceleration, resulting in a wider circle or the object moving off its circular path.

When an object experiences centripetal acceleration in which direction does it acceleration?

Centripetal acceleration always points towards the center of the circular path that the object is following.

How do you change centripetal acceleration?

Centripetal acceleration can be changed by altering the speed or direction of an object in circular motion. Increasing the speed will increase the centripetal acceleration, while changing the direction of motion will also change the centripetal acceleration.

What is an example of tangential and centripetal acceleration?

If an object follows a circular path, it must have a centripetal force on it to keep it moving in a circle. Centripetal means "toward the center of the circle". The force causes Centripetal acceleration toward the center witch is along the radius of the circular path. Tangential acceleration occurs at a Tangent to the circular path and is always perpendicular to the centripetal acceleration. Always perpendicular to the radius of the circle.

How does centripetal acceleration depend upon the object's speed and the radius of the circle?

Centripetal acceleration is directly proportional to the square of the object's speed and inversely proportional to the radius of the circle. This means that as the speed of the object increases, the centripetal acceleration increases, while a larger radius decreases the centripetal acceleration.

The constant acceleration of an object moving in a circle is called?

The force toward the centre of the circle is called the centripetal force. centrpetal acceleration.