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the takeover of the U.S. embassy by radical Iranian students

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Q: What event considered an example president jimmy carter failure in foreign policy?
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What event is considered an example of President Jimmy Carter's failure in foreign-policy?

The takeover of the US embassy by radical students

What event is considered an example of president jimmy carter's jimmy carter's failure in foreign policy?

The takeover of the US embassy by radical students

Is The President meeting with foreign leaders an example of informal foreign policy?


The President meeting with foreign leaders is an example of informal foreign policy?


What does foreign address mean?

Foreign address simply means an address belonging to a foreign country. For example, in the USA, an Indian address would be considered a foreign address.

What does a president of a country call the president of foreign countries?

They still call them the president, example: Barack Obama would call Michael D Higgins (Irish president) president Higgins or the president of Ireland. 😊

Meaning of foreign banks?

A foreign bank is any bank that does not have operations in a given country. For example, a bank in England that does not operate in the United States is considered a foreign bank to the United States.

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Who let's the president declare war?

The President can not declare war. Only Congress can declare war, usually at the request of the President. Subject to limitations by Congress, the president can take military action. For example, the can order the bombing of foreign targets or send troops into a foreign country.

What is an example of an executive agreement?

An executive agreement is defined as being an agreement which is made between the president and a foreign country. One example of an executive agreement was NAFTA.

Which is an example of President Jackson's success in foreign affairs during his term of office?

reopening of British West Indian ports

Was President Monroe the first president to develop a foreign policy?

All Presidents, beginning with George Washington, had foreign policies. They had to have them because they dealt with foreign nations.Monroe was the first President to have one element of his foreign policy named after him.