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Q: What event do scientist think may have caused the mass extinction at the end?
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What do most scientist think caused cretaceous extinction?

Most scientists believe that the Cretaceous extinction event was caused by a 6 mile wide asteroid that impacted Earth at what is now the Yucatan Peninsula 65.5 million years ago. The impact would have thrown tremendous amounts of dust high into the atmosphere, which would have blocked the sun for months. Without sunlight, the plants would have died, and without the plants, so would any herbivorous animals. The carnivores would have then died, too. Another theory popular with scientists is that climate change was the cause of the extinction. Before the asteroid impact, a huge volcanic trap (a large lava flow) called the Deccan Traps had been erupting for about three million years. The amount of carbon dioxide it released into the atmosphere caused tremendous global climate change, and dramatically decreased the variety of dinosaur species. It is also very plausible that it was a combination of these two factors.