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The seasons, both winter/autumn (her absence from Earth, her mother Demeter) and spring/summer (her return to Earth, absence from the Underworld and her husband Hades).

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Q: What event in nature does Persephone explain?
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What is the climax of persephone?

In the myth of Persephone, the climax is when Persephone is abducted by Hades and taken to the Underworld against her will. This event triggers the conflict between Demeter and Hades, leading to the negotiation for Persephone's return.

What is Hades' wife's name?

Hades has many wifes, but the most well known is Persephone.

Why did the Greeks create the myth of Demeter and Persephone?

To explain the seasons.

Who is the Greek Goddess of flowers nature and spring?

Persephone the Greek goddess of flowers nature and spring

What would you buy Persephone?

Flowers, something beautiful in nature.

Beautiful goddess of nature?


What parts of life nature or human nature does Persephone control?

she control the spring season, and she is the creator of mankind.

What are three weaknesses of hades?

Persephone, his impulsiveness, and his sometimes deceptive nature.

What are the names of the beautiful young goddesses of nature?

Demeter, Persephone, and Artemis

How is hades passionate to his wife Persephone?

hades was passionate for persephone because well its love thes typ of things cant be explain sunshine

What is the purpose of the myth Demeter and Persephone?

Demeter: to explain the growth of life on Earth. Persephone: to explain the changing seasons every year in Persephone being Queen of the Underworld while the plants die, and goddess of Spring on Earth during her ascension.

Who is the Greek goddess of nature?

Well,the Greek god of nature is Pan,and Gaea wasnature,so I guess that leaves Persephone.