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a change of government in Panama

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Q: What event made construction of canal in central America easier?
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What early 1900s construction project of the US has served as a center of urbanization transportation and economic actives in central America?

Panama Canal

What manmade canal separates South America from central America?

panama canal

What region is the Panama Canal located in?

The Panama Canal is in the country of Panama in the region of Central America.

In what continent is Panama Canal in?

The Panama Canal is located in Panama. Panama is located in Central America which is located in South America.

What is the name of the canal that sperates central and south America?

Panama Canal

What was the name of Central America's US-built canal?

The Panama Canal.

Is the Panama Canal located in England?

No, the Panama Canal is in Central America.

Where is Panama Canal found in?

Central America.

What made construction of the Suez canal easier?

yes thats correct guh.

What central america country has a canal that allows ships to travel between the atlantic and pacific oceans?

The Panama Canal allows ships to pass through south America to Central America or vice versa.

What cuts across isthmus in Central America?

The Panama Canal

Are their any waterway channels in Central America?

The Panama Canal is a man-made waterway in Central America.