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the british naval blockade

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Q: What event most likely had the biggest impact on German citizens on the home front?
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Experts anticipate that a incidents is the least likely to occur but would have a great impact upon the environment and people?

A nuclear incident would have a great impact on the environment and people, but would be the least likely to occur.Several people answered "biological", but I would question the "least likely" aspect. A nuclear incident would have a greater effect on the environment compared to a biological incident.

This formation was caused by fallen debris from asteroid impact on dry soil and rock?

The formation you are referring to is likely an impact crater. When an asteroid hits the Earth, it can create a large crater by displacing the ground and forming a bowl-shaped depression. The impact can also cause debris to be ejected in all directions around the crater.

What people would be most likely to advocate for regulation that limits citizens' use of water?

A person who wants to stop polluting air by burning fossil fuels to clean saltwater

What can we do to minimize the tornadoes impact on humans?

We can work on advanced warning systems and education so that people can get to safe places in time. We can also apply construction techniques that make it less likely that buildings will be severely damaged by tornadoes.

What is name of the Cool dry wind from mountains in the Mediterranean region from the Italian?

It isn't particularly cool but it is dry...which makes it feel cool. The general term is a "Föhn wind" Föhn came into German from the Latin Favonius. That is what the southern Italians call it. The northern Italians are likely to call it a föhn wind even if they don't speak German. In the US, it is called a Chinook.

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Which event most likely had the biggest impact on German citizens on the home front?

British naval blockade

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U.S. citizens would probably not be speaking English as their primary language, if it weren't for the Marines! And, most likely would not be U.S. citizens.

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Someone said that war was the biggest business and most likely he was talking truth.

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Japanese were interned in WW2 not WW1. German & Austria-Hungarian citizens were interned in WW1. German & Italian citizens were interned in WW2. It is a common international practice to intern the citizens of enemy nations during times of war. The real question was if American citizens of Japanese ancestry (or Japanese citizens with US 'green cards') should be interned by the American government because of the threat of disloyality. The US government believed that the Japanese-American population was more likely to be disloyal than the German-American or Italian-American population. Also these others were much too large to intern.

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