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Japanese were interned in WW2 not WW1. German & Austria-Hungarian citizens were interned in WW1. German & Italian citizens were interned in WW2. It is a common international practice to intern the citizens of enemy nations during times of war.

The real question was if American citizens of Japanese ancestry (or Japanese citizens with US 'Green Cards') should be interned by the American government because of the threat of disloyality.

The US government believed that the Japanese-American population was more likely to be disloyal than the German-American or Italian-American population. Also these others were much too large to intern.

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Q: Why was Japanese interred during World War 1 and not Germans or Italians?
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Germans...I think.

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Which racial group was interred in concentration camps on US soil?

Actually, several. The most commonly referred to as being interred would have been Japanese Americans during WWII. Some Germans were detained during WWI and WWII. And, lest we forget, the Native Americans have been held on reservations for about 150 years--the term "concentration camp" generally refers to the relocation and death camps of Nazi Germany during WWII; Hitler actually borrowed the American idea of NA reservations, and actually called the first camps reservations when they were first opened.