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Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald, the greatest dark wizard before Voldemort's time, in 1945. Reminiscent of the end of Adolf Hitler during World War II

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Q: What event was going on in the Muggle world when Dumbledore defeated him?
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What scenes are going to be in 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince'?

most scenes except the muggle prime minister,the Gaunt memory, Hokey's memory, everything with Professor Trelawney, and Madame Rosmerta will not provide broomsticks for Harry and Dumbledore.

Is Dumbledore going out with Voldemort?

No. But you must realize DUMBLEDORE'S NOTGAY!

Is Dumbledore's funeral going to be in the 7th movie?

== ==

Why did snape and dumbledore plan dumbledores death?

They didn't; it was Dumbledore's plan. Snape agreed to go along.As for the reasons:Dumbledore was going to die soon, anyway. Snape had estimated that the curse would kill Dumbledore in about a year.It was important for Voldemort to trust Snape.They didn't; it was Dumbledore's plan. Snape agreed to go along. As for the reasons:Dumbledore was going to die soon, anyway. Snape had estimated that the curse would kill Dumbledore in about a year.It was important for Voldemort to trust Snape.They didn't; it was Dumbledore's plan. Snape agreed to go along. As for the reasons:Dumbledore was going to die soon, anyway. Snape had estimated that the curse would kill Dumbledore in about a year.It was important for Voldemort to trust Snape.They didn't; it was Dumbledore's plan. Snape agreed to go along. As for the reasons:Dumbledore was going to die soon, anyway. Snape had estimated that the curse would kill Dumbledore in about a year.It was important for Voldemort to trust Snape.

Is there going to be a Lego Harry Potter year 8?

There isn't really a 8th book...... Muggle

How did the elder wand get to dumbledore?

Actually, Dumbledore didn't intend on Harry getting the Elder Wand. As said in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", the only way you become the master of the wand is either you disarm the master and/or, you kill them. So when Draco disarmed Dumbledore in the sixth book that made Draco the master. In the seventh book, at Malfoy Manor, Harry disarmed Draco by taking his wand, making him the master of the Elder Wand.

Why dumbledore sggested Harry to take occlumency lessons?

Dumbledore suggested this because Harry had been having dreams which were actually small glimpses of what was going on in Voldemorts life, like little flashes of heat when Voldemort was angry. Dumbledore was afraid Harry was going to become a little like Voldemort or be influenced by him, so he wanted him to learn how to close and defend his mind.

Is Micheal gambon going to play Dumbledore in the next two Harry Potter movies?

Michael Gamdon was contracted for movies three through seven after Richard Harris' death. He will be playing Dumbledore for the remainder.

How do you get to the floor above Dumbledore's in Lego Harry Potter?

You can find dumbledore's office by going up the steps that move until you see the griffin gargoyle

Did Cho Chang have children?

According to what J.K.Rowling said in an interview, Cho Chang marries a muggle.

Is muggle Quidditch going to be an Olympic sport?

It's still being decided-but since Harry Potter is set in London, I would guess they would say yes since the 2012 Olympics are going to be in London.

What happens in the second chapter in Harry Potter and the deathlty hallows?

Harry cuts his hand on the only remaining piece of the mirror Sirius gave him while cleaning out his trunk. Then as he goes out the door to the bathroom he stands on a cold cup of tea which he thinks was left by Dudley as a trap. When he re-enters his bedroom he looks at and old newspaper and reads an obituary of Dumbledore written by Elphias Doge a childhood friend of Dumbledore's. The obituary discusses Dumbledore's early life and after Harry has finished reading he feels slightly upset because he did not know this Dumbledore. Harry then sees another newspaper which announces that Rita Skeeter has written an biography on the life of Dumbledore called: The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore and there is going to be an interview with Rita about it. Harry then finds the next week's paper and reads the interview which disgusts him just like everything else written by Rita. He then spots a blue eye just like Dumbledore's in the mirror and thinks he is going crazy because Dumbledore is dead and he won't ever see his eyes again.