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dark energy...anybody else having a super hard time in math? ya i am.

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Q: What evidence has led scientist to predict that the universe will continue to expand forever?
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What evidence has led scientists to predict will the universe continue forever?

they know everything

What is a universe that will continue to expand forever called?

Mathematically, it's called an "open" universe. As best we can tell as of now, our Universe is open.

How big do scientists predict the universe will become?

It seems it will continue expanding forever.

What do scietists think will eventually happen to the universe?

the universe will continue to expand forever and ultimately most of the matter will be turned to heat energy.

Any important question on physics?

Will the Universe continue expanding forever or will it collapse?

What scientific theory describes a sudden beginning of the universe?

It's called the "Big Bang Theory." There's evidence that the universe is expanding, which means it all had to start from a single point. What caused this event is up for debate, as well as whether the universe will continue to expand forever, or reach a point and stop, then come back in on itself.

The universe have a start and end?

The Universe is believed to have had a start, namely, the Big Bang. It seems that it won't have an end, and that it will continue expanding forever. However, a time will come in which there is no more available energy, and therefore, no life will be possible in the Universe.

Why do scientist think the universe will expand forever?

There is actually considerable debate about that. Some scientists believe that the universe (or at least, the part we can see!) is not massive enough to cause the current expansion to slow down and reverse, and other scientists believe that "dark matter" may provide enough mass to reverse the expansion.From a philosophical viewpoint, the idea of an "oscillating" universe - big bang followed by expansion, followed by contraction, followed by collapse, and repeat forever - is more appealing. But at present, the balance of the evidence seems to be against it.There is evidence that the expansion of the Universe has been accelerating. It is not known exactly why, and it is possible that the expansion may slow down again, but this doesn't seem very likely.

What are the three predictions of your Universe?

The "Big Crunch" idea was that the expansion would eventually stop and the universe would collapse. All evidence today says no way. The "Yo-Yo" says the universe repeatedly expand, collpses and then expands again of a roughly 70 billion year cycle. There is no evidence for this. The "Big Rip" says the universe will simply expand forever, with other galaxies gradually getting so far away that they fade in the distance, and then stars burn out and everything gets cold and dark forever.

Where is the border of universe?

There is no border of the universe. Because the gores on forever.

What term is generally used to designate theories opposed to the Big Bang theory?

"Steady state". The person who coined the term "big bang" meant it to be taken derisively; Sir Fred Hoyle was a proponent of the "steady state" theory of the cosmos, in which the universe had existed forever pretty much as it is now, and would continue forever. But as evidence accumulated, the concept of a steady state universe began to be more and more untenable, and most astronomers and cosmologists now accept that the universe probably "began" at some point about 14 billion years ago. Some extremely exotic theories have bubbled up suggesting that the universe may be cyclical, that it may eventually collapse, or that it may continue to expand forever. These theories are still in flux, and are supported primarily by mathematical models rather than by observed facts. But keep an open mind; we're only at the beginning of this story.

When would the universe end?

The expansion of the Universe is accelerating; it seems it will continue expanding forever. In this case, there won't be any specific date for an "end of the Universe"; however, the amount of usable energy will decrease over time, and the time will come when there won't be enough usable energy to support life.