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They by the puzzle-like fit of Coastlines.

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Q: What evidence suggests that continents were once joinded?
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What evidence suggests the continents were once all together but the drifted apart?

smiliar fossils and plants, matching of the continents as a jig-saw puzzle, remaining of tropical plants

What evidence suggests that continents were once joined?

One piece of evidence supporting the theory of continental drift is the fit of continents, such as the matching coastlines of South America and Africa. Another piece of evidence is the distribution of similar fossils and rock formations on different continents, suggesting they were once connected. Additionally, the alignment of mountain ranges and geological structures across continents supports the idea of past continental unity.

What was the first evidence that led people to think that the continents were once connected?

The first evidence that led people to think that the continents were once connected because of earthquakes

What evidence is there that the present-day Continent were once a single landmass?

One piece of evidence that indicates the continents were once connected is the shape of the continents. Many of the continents look as if they fit together like a puzzle.

What evidence suggests the continents were once all together but then drifted apart?

smiliar fossils and plants, matching of the continents as a jig-saw puzzle, remaining of tropical plants

What evidence supports the idea that all the continents were once joined together?

One main evidence is the fit of the continents' coastlines, particularly the fit of South America and Africa. Fossil evidence of similar species found on different continents also supports the idea of continental drift. Additionally, the matching geological features and rock formations across continents provide further evidence for the theory of continental drift.

Which of the following provides evidence that the present-day continents were once one large continent that broke apart?

The fit of the continents' coastlines, identical rock formations and mountain ranges on different continents, and the distribution of similar fossils on separate landmasses are all evidence supporting the theory of continental drift and the existence of the supercontinent Pangaea.

What evidence do scientists have to support the idea that the continents were once one large land mass?

the evidence is istoy lng.......

Which theory suggests that the continents were once part of one super-continent?

It is known as the continental drift theory

What evidence do scientists have that continents were once joined?

there was three types of evidence that he had before he died was fossils, land features, and climate

What evidence may be cited to prove that there once existed a supercontinent?

Same fossils of a plant on different continents.

What evidence is there to show that the continents today were once from an super continent?

1. The continents fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. 2. There are animal and plant species, extant and extinct, present on separated continents.