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A instruction that carries out a task on a computer could be a registry or a command like a (.exe)cution file.) execution files can be harmful.

you can make them, (java, c, c++, html etc).

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15y ago

The instructions tells the processor what to do. It means very basic things like:

- reading a registry (memory inside the CPU) or a memory address (in RAM)

- writing in a registry or in RAM

- jumping to an other instruction (with or without conditions)

- doing basic operations ( + - * / )

- some processors can do some complex processing (square root, trigonometrics, etc...)

- and a lot more

But the point is that these instructions are very very basic things to do compared to the final result (display on the screen, etc...)

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8y ago

Start-up instructions - are stored on the computer's ROM chip. This performs a system check and loads the operating system into RAM. It also checks that the hardware & external ports are performing. All other programs are usually stored on the computer's hard-drive - and loaded into RAM as, and when needed.

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13y ago


The computer program is a set of instructions that determines how data will be processed.

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