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The purpose of Ceiling Vents is to provide Ventilation in a room where it may be necessary, such as a Science Lab. Because gases generally rise (as they are hotter than the air and so less dense), they can escape out of the ceiling vents without causing any harm to people inside the science lab. They can also be used to help deal with a fire.

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Q: What exactly is the purpose of ceiling vents?
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Should ceiling vents be directed towards the window or the room?

Thanks for answering the question Should ceiling vents be directed towards the window or the room? NOT

Where should vents be placed-ceiling or floor for AC?

should be on floor.

Should heating vents be placed in the floor or ceiling?

on the floor on the floor

Why do you have exhaust vents in your ceiling?

When you say "exhaust vents in your ceiling" I assume you are referriong to the heating and AC vents inside your house and not the roof vent on the outside used to vent the attic. It is most likely that the duct work was ran in the ceiling for ease of installtion or the house may be built on a slab and they did not want to run the duct work through the slab.

In order to heat a room should heating vents be placed near the floor or near the ceiling of the room?

Heating vents should be located near the floor since hot air rises. If the heating vents are located near the ceiling the heat would stay there and not warm the room.

You have your air and heating vents blowing from ceiling which way should your ceiling fan blow?

Having the ceiling fan blow upwards will circulate the heat through the entire room.

We have two return vents in each room.One close to the ceiling and the other near the we need to close the floor vents winter or summer?

Cose the high vents in the winter and low in the summer..

Where should vents be placed-celiling or floor for AC?

Ceiling. Cold air fails

Is it better to have vents in the ceiling or in the floor?

Does not matter. Air will displace naturally when pushed into a room from the vent. Vents and ducting are laid out according to the plans of the unit. That is the only reason for top vents and bottom vents. If you are speaking of the intakes, the same principal applies.

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In what part of the school is there most bacteria?

Probably around the heat/AC vents. Moisture can settle in and around the vents from condensation and turn into a breeding ground for bacteria. Often the vents are in the ceiling and get overlooked during cleaning.

Which way should ceiling fans turn when used with floor vents?

up in the summer and down in the winter