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A dust particle.

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Q: What example is not a good example of an object in free fall?
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Why can free fall occurs only where is no air?

That's more or less the definition of a free fall - that no other forces are at work, except for gravity. However, you can get a good approximation even with air, if the object is massive enough and doesn't fall for too long.That's more or less the definition of a free fall - that no other forces are at work, except for gravity. However, you can get a good approximation even with air, if the object is massive enough and doesn't fall for too long.That's more or less the definition of a free fall - that no other forces are at work, except for gravity. However, you can get a good approximation even with air, if the object is massive enough and doesn't fall for too long.That's more or less the definition of a free fall - that no other forces are at work, except for gravity. However, you can get a good approximation even with air, if the object is massive enough and doesn't fall for too long.

Why can free fall occur only where there is no air?

Free fall can occur only where there is no air resistance because in the absence of air resistance, the only force acting on the object is gravity. This causes objects to fall at the same rate regardless of their mass, as stated by the principle of equivalence. In the presence of air resistance, the force of air resistance counteracts the force of gravity, affecting the rate of fall.

Use free fall in a sentence?

The skydiver experienced the sensation of free fall as they descended from the plane towards the ground.

What is a good example of a sentence that uses a pronoun as an indirect object?

Example sentence:I wrote you this sentence. (direct object is 'sentence, indirect object is the personal pronoun 'you')

Is water a free good?

no an example is sunlight

Which of these is a example of a free good?

napkins at a restaurant

What is a non example for evaporation?

A banana is a good non-example. Evaporation is a process whereas a banana is an object, and so clearly a non-example.

Is there any object that has no density?

Since density is mass divided by volume, any object with no mass has no density. Photons are a good example

Action-reaction engine that propel an object forward?

One good example: Balloon with a hole in it.

What is non-contact frce?

Non-contact forces are forces exerted on an object by another object which is not in contact with it, a good example being gravitational force.

Can an object be a protagonist?

A protagonist is a person (or living thing), not an inanimate object. Yes. A good example of this would be the robot from 'Millennium Man' by Isaac Asimov.

Does Archimedes' principle hold in a vessel in a free fall?

For a free fall, the effective value of acceleration due to gravity is zero. As a result, the buoyant force will not exit. Therefore, Archimedes's principle will not hold good in this situation.