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Q: When does an object become a good conductor?
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What are characteristis of a good conductor?

It is when an object is transferring energy through the object easiily

Explain how air can become a good conductor and what happens when this occurs?

air can become a good conductor when it is heated to very high temperatures

What is meant by a good conductor?

An object is a good conductor when electricity, heat or another form of energy can travel through it easily.

Is a cup a good conductor?

It's not the object that matters, but what it's made of . A metal cup will be a very good conductor, and an expanded polystyrene one a very poor conductor.

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Why does a rubbed plastic object stay charged but a rubbed metal object lose its charge?

Plastic is an insulator where as metal is a good conductor

Is a cup a conductors?

It's not the object that matters, but what it's made of . A metal cup will be a very good conductor, and an expanded polystyrene one a very poor conductor.

Is Magnesium Chloride a good conductor?

Magnesium chloride is a good conductor if melted or dissolved in an ionization promoting solvent; as a solid it is not a good conductor.

How can you use a circuit to decide whether an object is a conductor or an insulator?

Well, if you have a functioning (=closed) circuit, and introduce an unknown object, then if the circuit is still functioning (=closed) then the object is a conductor. If it stops working, then it's either an insulator or an very poor conductor.

The difference between a good conductor and a good insulator?

A good insulator means a bad conductor. It is the opposite of good conductor.