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He said he had recently gotten an operation on his "clavichord" and he was exhausted

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Holden tells Sunny he can't go through with the encounter because he's recovering from an operation on his "clavichord."

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Q: What excuse did Holden give sunny for declining in The Catcher in the Rye?
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In The Catcher in the Rye what chapter was Holden with sunny?

Chapter 13.

Why does Holden accept the assignation with Sunny in Catcher in the Rye?

Holden is not sleepy, and he finds this as a great opportunity to lose his virginity (which does not happen).

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Maurice hit Holden in "The Catcher in the Rye" because Holden refused to pay the agreed-upon amount after his time with the prostitute, Sunny. This led to a physical altercation between them.

How old is sunny in Catcher in the Rye?

The story doesn't say but when Holden asked her she replied that she is old enough to know everything she does through context clues, it can be inferred that Sunny may, in fact be around the same age as Holden, so she might be a 16 or 17 year old prostitute. Holden mentions that she talks like a teen would say

Why doesn't Holden just give Sunny and Maurice the extra five dollars in Catcher in the Rye?

Morally he doesnt wanna pay $5 if that wasn't the deal

After sunny leaves holden's room whom does he begin talking to?

After Sunny leaves, Holden begins talking to Allie, his deceased brother.

What is the German word for sunny star catcher?

Sunny star catcher would be translated as:Sonniger Sternenfänger (male)Sonnige Sternenfängerin (female)

In Catcher in the Rye why does Holden shun away intimacy?

Holden does not shun all intimacy. He only shuns sexual intimacy. As much as he thinks the contrary, he is very immature, innocent, and compassionate as a character. Holden doesn't respond to Sunny's advances (if that is what you're referring to with this question) because he mentions how young she looks and begins to feel bad for her. He also as a direct consequence of his innocence does not want to have sex.

What does maurice want from holden?

Maurice wants money from Holden as payment for services rendered. He demands payment for the time Holden spends with Sunny, a prostitute.

How many times does Holden Caulfield cry in The Catcher in the Rye?

Holden Caulfield cries on multiple occasions throughout the novel, "The Catcher in the Rye." It is mentioned several times that Holden cries, particularly during moments when he feels overwhelmed, lonely, or despairing. The exact number of times may vary depending on interpretation, but crying is a significant emotional response for Holden in the novel.

Who were the three girls looking for in the bar in Catcher in the Rye?

In "The Catcher in the Rye," the three girls were looking for Eddie Birdsell, a friend of Holden's who they wanted to speak with. However, Eddie was not at the bar, so they ended up spending time with Holden instead.

How long is Holden's journey in The Catcher in the Rye?

The story doesn't say but when Holden asked her she replied that she is old enough to know everything she does through context clues, it can be inferred that Sunny may, in fact be around the same age as Holden, so she might be a 16 or 17 year old prostitute. Holden mentions that she talks like a teen would say