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Q: What exercise should be done by the people suffering from thyroid?
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Can you use armor thyroid for weight loss?

No. Armour Thyroid should never be used for weight loss and will not cause weight loss in people with NORMAL Thyroid Function. For people who are HypOthyroid (underactive Thyroid) Armour Thyroid can help them lose weight the way people with normal thyroid lose weight - but only if they are following a diet/exercise regimen. It will not CAUSE weightloss. It will however make it possible for those with Hypothyroid to lose weight - which many could not without Armour.

thyroid diet?

Many people suffer from a slow thyroid, otherwise known as hypothyroidism. Thyroid issues can be detrimental to quality of life. Hypothyroidism can cause joint pain, constant fatigue, hair loss and weight gain. When suffering from a slow thyroid, it is important to plan a thyroid diet that helps support thyroid function. Certain foods can increase thyroid function such as lean proteins, low glycemic carbohydrates and fiber. High glycemic foods should be avoided because they raise insulin levels, which may lead to decreased thyroid function. Hypothyroidism sufferers should avoid peanuts due to the high amounts of goitrogen they contain.

What physical activities can a person do while having bronchitis?

You are not supposed to go for exercise, when you are suffering from bronchitis. You should do no exercise, when you are suffering from any acute infection. You are in the state of catabolism, when there is acute infection. The exercise in harmful or not useful in this situation.

What types of exercise should people in space do?

walking exercise

When people have inefficient thyroid glands they what?

They should visit a doctor and do what they tell them to. The thyroid is related to aggressiveness so there must be some hormonal compensation.

How much exercise should people get each day?

I think that people should get at least 2 to 3 hours of exercise every day :)

Should you bath after gym exercise?

You should for your own comfort and the people you come in contact with after your exercise would appreciate it also.

Which kind of precaution a thyroid patient should take?

Hii,every one who is suffering from thyroid problem must fallow the things .1. must have sound sleep.2. dont get stress in any aspect.3.dont lift weight in any aspect like even the house hold works.4.dont involve in quarells.dont get tensions.5. dont take potato in diet in any aspect. it increases the thyroid problem .6. try to reduce weight.get a balanced harmonal treatment.because thyroid problem occurs due to haromal imbalance.7. have good diet which is curry leaves,oats,buttermilk.

How much iodine-iodide should you take if you're moderately hypothyroid?

If you are moderately hypothyroid you should see your doctor about thyroid hormone therapy. Iodine is prescribed to people with an under-active thyroid because iodine helps the thyroid produce it's hormone. Please see your doctor for advice.

Spotting Signs of a Thyroid Problem?

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the throat just above the chest, and the hormones it produces are responsible for controlling the immune system, regulation of weight, sleep and energy levels, as well as mood. Despite the critical role this organ plays, many people are unaware of how to spot signs it isn't working as it should, and thyroid problems are rampant, with as many as one in six people suffering some form of thyroid dysfunction.Tiredness and Weight ChangesFatigue is the most noticeable sign of an under-performing thyroid gland. People with thyroid deficiency often feel tired after a full night's sleep and have a strong urge to nap during the day. Those suffering from an overactive thyroid may have trouble sleeping at night.Dysfunction of the thyroid can also cause weight changes. An overactive thyroid can cause sufferers to lose weight despite getting their normal caloric intake, while those suffering from a hypothyroid condition may gain weight even when following a diet and exercise program. Thyroid problems can also lead to high cholesterol levels with hypothyroidism and low cholesterol levels with hyperthyroidism.Mood Changes and Loss of FertilityMood disorders are also associated with a poorly functioning thyroid. Sufferers of hypothyroidism may be prone to depression, and those with overactive thyroid glands may find themselves dealing with anxiety or panic attacks, especially if there is a sudden onset of the condition.Women may suffer irregularities in their menstrual cycle. An overactive thyroid can cause periods to be short, light or not occur at all, while a hypothyroid condition can lead to frequent, heavy and painful periods. Thyroid problems can also lead to fertility problems.Pain and Hair LossThyroid dysfunction can cause muscle and joint pain. It can also make sufferers more prone to repetitive stress disorders such as tendonitis. Hair loss and changes in the skin are also sometimes symptoms of thyroid problems. An under-performing thyroid can cause hair to be dry and easily broken, skin may become thick and scaly, and eyebrow hair can be lost. An over-performing thyroid can lead to acute hair loss, while causing the skin to become thin and easily torn.

Who first told Eleanor that she should work to help people who were suffering?

her husband

What is a low thyroid?

The thyroid is a gland which produces hormones. Low thyroid would mean that your thyroid is not functioning as it should. There are a few medicines that you can take to correct the situation.