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Q: What experiment can you use to find which surfaces are better absorbers of heat?
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Is there a simple experiment to find out if seeds grow better in clay or sand?

Yes. Try them in both.

Descrtbe an experiment to prove that dull colours are good absorbers of heat?

Requirements: 2 thermometers, black paint Procedure: Paint 1 of the thermometers black and do not do anything with the 2nd one. Keep both thermometers in sun for an hour or two. After an hour record the temperature of both thermometers you will find that the one painted black shows more temperature as compared to the second. Conclusion: Dull colours are good absorbers of heat.

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Make one with each. The baking powder will perform better.

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You can find someone else to experiment...

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After you reach a conclusion about an experiment you may find you need to experiment more.?

It is certainly possible. The conclusion from your experiment may prove to be tentative and you may need to design a better experiment to improve the reliability of the conclusion, or the experiment may suggest alternatives which you may wish to explore. Most of science is about that: an experiment leads to conclusions. Further experiments result in refinements to the conclusions and, occasionally, to the replacement of earlier theories with new models.

How do you find faces of figure in maths?

All you do is count the surfaces of it. It's not like your trying to find an actual face. :) If you count the surfaces you are sure to succeed.

What is experimental television?

a expirimental television is a telivis ion that scientist experiment on to see if they can find any new information about it. since they dont have anything else better to do.

How does the sample size affect an experiment?

Sample size greatly reduces any error to randomness in a given sample. Each experiment requires a proper size of a sample. The better it is fitted to the experiment, the better is the result. For example, if you are trying to find out the study habits of students at your school of 1000 kids, a sample size of 50 would be sufficient. However, if you are trying to find out the study habits of students across the US, a sample size of at least several hundred-thousand would be required, preferably several million.

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How do i find the sum of outcomes in probability?

Select an experiment that has a random result rather than one that is deterministic. The result of the experiment is the outcome of the probabilistic experiment.

After you reach a conclusion about an experiment you may find you need to experiment more?

Yes, that is possible. It's to be expected.