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Well, you could do a universal indicator test, which is the most easiest. Pink = acid. Blue = base. Or could do other versions of paper pH testers, in which the color corresponds to the particular pH. If the pH is above 7, it is a base. If it is below 7, then it is an acid. You could even use pH probes with minimal readings of 0.1, if you have any, it would be handy.

But more practical methods would be with other substances. Such as with metal reactions. For example, a metal and an acid would produce a salt, with hydrogen gas. So these are some ways you could determine whether is an acid or base. =)

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14y ago
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1w ago

A simple experiment to determine if a substance is an acid or a base is to test it with litmus paper. If the litmus paper turns red, the substance is an acid; if it turns blue, the substance is a base. This test is based on the principle that acids turn blue litmus paper red, while bases turn red litmus paper blue.

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11y ago

The pH scale. It scales from 0-14, 0 being the most acidic and 14 being the most basic.

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15y ago

That would be the the pH test.

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Q: What experiment determine if a substance was an acid or a base?
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How can an acid turn to base?

An acid can turn into a base through a chemical reaction that involves an acid donating a proton (H+) to another substance. This proton transfer changes the nature of the substance from acidic to basic.

What are some scenarios for a substance being classified as a weak acid?

A substance may be classified as a weak acid if it only partially dissociates into ions when dissolved in water, resulting in a low concentration of hydronium ions. Weak acids have a small acid dissociation constant (Ka) value and do not completely ionize in solution. Examples include acetic acid (found in vinegar) and carbonic acid (found in carbonated beverages).

What are the method of titration?

The methods of titration include acid-base titration, redox titration, and complexometric titration. Acid-base titration involves the reaction between an acid and a base to determine the concentration of one of the reactants. Redox titration involves oxidation-reduction reactions to determine the concentration of a substance. Complexometric titration involves the formation of a complex between a metal ion and a complexing agent to determine the concentration of the metal ion.

A substance used to indicate the presence of an acid base or neutral?

An indicator is a substance that changes color in response to the presence of an acid or a base. It helps to determine the acidity or alkalinity of a solution by changing color based on the pH level.

How do you determine if a substance is an acid or a base using phenolphtalein indicator?

Phenolphthalein is colorless in acidic solutions and pink in basic solutions. By adding phenolphthalein to a substance, you can observe the color change to determine if the substance is acidic or basic based on the change in color.

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What makes a base or an acid?

To determine whether a substance is an acid or a base, you look at it's pH. If it is over 7, it is a base. If it is below 7, it is an acid. If the pH is 7, the substance is neutral.

How might a scientist do an experiment to tell whether a substance is a base or acid?


How can you determine if substance is acid or base?

pH paper and litmus paper

What things could be used to determine whether a substance is an acid or a base?

litmus paper.

Can an amphoteric compound act like an acid and a base?

Am amphoteric substance can react as a base but also as an acid.

What is an acid base?

An Acid is a substance that tastes sour and Base is a substance that tastes bitter and feels slippery.

Is a vinegar a acid or a base?

Vinegar is dilute acetic acid, which is an acid.

What is an acid and base?

An acid base indicator is a substance that changes colour due the PH of the medium in which it is dissolved.

If a base is toxic is it an acid?

No, Because a substance that is a base cannot be an acid at the same time

How can an acid turn to base?

An acid can turn into a base through a chemical reaction that involves an acid donating a proton (H+) to another substance. This proton transfer changes the nature of the substance from acidic to basic.

What are some scenarios for a substance being classified as a weak acid?

A substance may be classified as a weak acid if it only partially dissociates into ions when dissolved in water, resulting in a low concentration of hydronium ions. Weak acids have a small acid dissociation constant (Ka) value and do not completely ionize in solution. Examples include acetic acid (found in vinegar) and carbonic acid (found in carbonated beverages).

What are the method of titration?

The methods of titration include acid-base titration, redox titration, and complexometric titration. Acid-base titration involves the reaction between an acid and a base to determine the concentration of one of the reactants. Redox titration involves oxidation-reduction reactions to determine the concentration of a substance. Complexometric titration involves the formation of a complex between a metal ion and a complexing agent to determine the concentration of the metal ion.