

What external conflict happens in twilight?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Alice sees James, Victoria and La Ron coming in the near future. They go out to a base ball Field and the Cullen family shows her how they play Baseball, which consists of very fast running. Then, James Victoria and L come along, and eventually spell out Bella. After that it all goes down hill, Edward and the Cullen's are trying to keep Bella safe. When Bella gets a call from her Mother saying that shes in danger or something like that (I haven't read it in a while) Bella leaves with out telling anybody and goes to the dance studio. When she enters she hears her mothers voice calling out her name, she runs to a closet where she hears her mother and sees it is only a television with a home video playing. She then sees James is there and her mother was never in danger. She trys to escape while Jame's tells her to tell Edward to revenge him and everything. Then James bits Bell's hand and Edward comes and they fight, the rest of the Cullan's end up killing James and Edward has to bite Bella to suck all the venom out of her. They take her to the hospital because James threw her around a bit and she got a broken leg. They tell Renee and Charlie that she fell down the stairs.

That's basically the conflict/action part of Twilight.!

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