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Q: What external conflicts does Odysseus face in the Odyssey?
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Characters who face external conflicts means?

are stupid dumb asses and diamonds ugly

How is The Odyssey like a journey of life?

the challenges and struggles peeple go though are similar to the struggles odysseus has to face

What are some external conflicts santiago and the alchemist face?

the encounter with the thief and when he had to turn himself into the wind

What internal and external conflicts does mrs chen face?

Mrs. Chen faces internal conflicts such as feelings of guilt or self-doubt about her decisions, and external conflicts like societal pressures or challenges from family members. These conflicts can affect her personal well-being and relationships with others.

Where in the Odyssey does Odysseus show both bravery and intelligence?

Odysseus's display of bravery and intelligence can be seen when he devises the plan to defeat the cyclops Polyphemus in Book 9 of the Odyssey. By introducing himself as "Nobody" and then blinding the cyclops before escaping, Odysseus showcases both his cleverness and courage in the face of danger.

How does the ODYSSEY define love?

In the Odyssey, love is portrayed through the relationships between characters such as Odysseus and Penelope, Telemachus and his parents, and the bonds between friends like Odysseus and his companions. Love is shown through loyalty, devotion, and the enduring connection between individuals even in the face of trials and hardships.

What was Poseidon's role in the Trojan war?

Poseidon did not play really any role in the Trojan war but in the Odyssey he cursed Odysseus and created almost all of the problems he had to face.

What is an inference about The Odyssey?

An inference about The Odyssey is that the epic poem conveys themes of heroism, perseverance, and the importance of homecoming. The journey of Odysseus serves as a metaphor for the human experience, highlighting the struggles and triumphs individuals face in their own quests for identity and purpose.

What is one theme of The Odyssey?

The Main theme of the Odyssey is to have perseverance. Odysseus is an example. He persevered even though his crew had died. He also was loyal was to his wife when Circe had offered her to him as a wife.

What does Homer tell us about trust in The Odyssey?

Homer shows us in The Odyssey that trust is essential for successful relationships and alliances. Characters like Odysseus and Penelope demonstrate the importance of trusting one another and remaining loyal in the face of challenges and temptations. However, Homer also highlights how trust can be betrayed, as seen with the suitors who deceive Penelope and Odysseus during his absence.

What supernatural worlds does Odysseus have to face?

Odysseus' have to face with a lot of scary thing and dangerous.

What happen before the beginning of the story odyssey?

Odysseus and his men fought and won the Trojan War with the Trojan Horse. The story is about their journey home and the quests they face, and challenges they must overcome.