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A catalyst

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Q: What facilitates chemical reactions by reducing the energy needed for it to occur?
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Which molecules facilitate chemical reactions in the body by reducing the reaction's activation energy?


What chemical reaction produces the sun and energy?

These are not chemical reactions but thermonuclear reactions.

What is ture of a catalyst?

It is true that a catalyst is used in chemical reactions to help speed up the reaction by reducing activation energy.

Describe the role of energy in chemical reactions?

Chemical reactions that release energy often occur spontaneously. Chemical reactions that absorb energy will not occur without energy.

What energy is in chemical reactions?

Chemical energy

Why is it important to lower activation energy?

ITs important becayse enzymes allow chemical reactions to occur at the normal body temperature

How is chemical energy produced?

The chemical reaction that creates energy from the digested food, after the food has been absorbed into the body, is called the Kreb's Cycle. It is a series of chemical reactions that converts carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and alcohol into the very basic energy molecule called ATP.

What chemical captures the sun's energy in photosynthesis?

The chemical that facilitates photosynthesis is Chlorophyll.

What reactions convert light energy to chemical energy?

The light dependent reactions take in the light energy and convert that to chemical energy, but it is in the Calvin cycle (light independent reactions) where the chemical energy is stored in a complex sugar.

Is chemical energy a source of electricity?

no, chemical energy is the energy released from chemical reactions

Chemical reactions that require energy?

endothermic reactions require energy

Why do chemical reactions always involve a change in energy?

Chemical bonds always break in chemical reactions, causing changes in energy.