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Q: What factor increases the amount of water runoff?
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Deforestation increases the amount of water runoff which increases the rate of?

soil erosion

How is the Earths water cycle balanced?

Because the amount of precipitation is equal to the amount of evapotranspiration and runoff.

How is earth water cycle balanced?

Because the amount of precipitation is equal to the amount of evapotranspiration and runoff.

Does vegetation affect the amount of runoff?

Yes, plants absorb some of the water. It thick vegetation might slow runoff down too.

When building construction decreases vegetation that obsorbs water runoff it increases the effects the effects of which event?

Dinosaurs are real,

An excessive amount of water flowing downslope along earth's surface is called?

it a runoff

Under which conditions will the amount of water in surface runoff be most likely to exceed the amount of water recharging an aquifer?

heavy rain on sloped granite

What is Water called that flows downhill after it rains?

Water which flows after heavy rain, sleet, or as snow is melting is referred to as runoff. Runoff occurs as soil becomes too saturated to absorb more water. It is often a contributing factor in water erosion.

What is a large amount of water overflowing the sides of a river or a drain called?

A Flood.

What is the major factor affecting the amount of water vapour?

The major factor affecting the amount of water vapour is temperature.

Where do groundwater and runoff usually end up?

Groundwater and runoff are two different things. Groundwater refers to water underground in the aquifers. Runoff ends up back underground by seeping into the soil after a rain. Runoff may also find its way into ditches, retention ponds, lakes,etc.

What happens to runoff water?

runoff water eventually flows to a water body :)