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How strong the earth quake

Type of earthquake

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Sherwood Ritchie

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Q: What factors affect how much damage results from an earthquake?
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What four factors affect how much damage an earthquake?

broken glass, cut electrical cords, hazards fires, and other dangers

What the results of earthquake?

The results of an earthquake in Michigan included damage to homes and property. There have not been any extremely damaging earthquakes in MI recently.

How did the sendia earthquake and tsunami affect the econemy in japan?

It caused a lot of damage which cost them a Lot of money to fix

What factors determine an earthquale's intensity on the modifield Mercalli scale?

The amount of structural and geological damage done by an earthquake in a specific location determines an earthquake's intensity on the Mercalli scale.

What's the definition of earthquake damage?

Earthquake damage is the damage to property and life from the ground vibrations during an earthquake. The Richter scale is one way to measure the scale of earthquake damage. For example, a magnitude of 5 is strong enough to damage weak buildings.

What damage did the valdivia earthquake cause?

The valdivia earthquake caused a lot of damage. But I am not sure what kind of damage it caused.

Where would earthquake damage be more - near the epicenter or away from the epicenter?

All other factors being equal, the seismic waves will be felt most strongly at or near to the epicentre of the earthquake.

What kind of soil causes more damage in an earthquake?

Saturated soil. Shaking it results in liquefaction where the soil acts like a liquid causing massive damage to any building built on it.

What caused more damage the tsunami or the earthquake in Japan?

well te earthquake caused the tsunami to hit so the earthquake did the most damage

What is the type of earthquake that does damage to roads and buildings?

Depends on how hard the earthquake's damage done on the Richter Scale

How can filled land and loose soil affect the amount of damage caused by an earthquake explain?

Buildings on filled land has less damages. Buildings on loose or soft soil has more damage.

Annual cost of earthquake damage?

the annual cost of an earthquake depends on how big was the earthquake