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Q: What factors affect the glacial budget?
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What is the glacial budget?

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What is a glacial budget?

A glacial budget is essentially the balance of a glacier from the input of snow, ice, and water. Accumulation and loss of ice from melting are all data used to figure this budget.

What is glacial budget?

A glacial budget is essentially the balance of a glacier from the input of snow, ice, and water. Accumulation and loss of ice from melting are all data used to figure this budget.

List 3 factors that affect the budget?

uncertain events wrong forcasting budget is not based on history

List three factors that affect budget resource allocation decisions of managers provide appropriate examples for each of these three factors?

List three factors that affect budget resource allocation decisions of managers provide appropriate examples for each of these three factors?

What are the external factors that may affect the budget?

Expenses, taxes, bills and payments and some other debts may affect the budget of either an individual or a family.

What are the three factors that affect budgeting?

the 3 factors that influences a budget are unexpeted income, unexpected expenses and inflation...

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The location of the event the menu is planned for

What are the factors that effect the budget resources allocation decisions of managers?

The internal objectives of a business; the regulations and legislation's that affect the market plans; world news and events; industrial analyst reports, financial analysis; establishing strategic goals, achieving them and attaining results. These are the factors that affect budget resources allocation decision of managers.

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factors affect reliability

How does its affect to our country?

it will affect our country by not letting the budget get control.

How does the loss of glacial ice affect ecosystem?

Glacial ice is almost 100% fresh water. When the ice melts, the fresh water pours into the oceans, making the salinity go down.