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The thermal efficiency (insulation U factor) of the material through which the heat is conducted, and the number of films (each surface to surface contact of similar or dissimilar materials is a film) through which the heat passes are what affect rates of transfer of heat by conduction. Metals as opposed to non metallic elements have a higher rate of heat transfer.

Without citing formulas: Film insulating is the most effective means of insulating an object from heat. Layers of thin materials can be better insulators than thick materials that are not layered. If the layers are dissimilar materials from one film to the next the insulation is even more effective. Air is one of the most effective insulating materials if it is trapped between layers to prevent motion from convection.

*When factoring in radiant or convective heat transfers to conductive heat transfer the surface between the heat source and the insulator is counted as the first film.

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Q: What factors affect the rate of heat transfer by conduction?
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