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Important factors to consider when calculating body weight are gender, age, and height. Arranging to have a physical exam and talking to your doctor will be helpful in determining and ideal weight.

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Q: What factors are considered when calculating ideal body weight?
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Related questions

What factors should be considered in assesing your ideal weight?

Your height, weight, and ancestors.

What should be the ideal weight for a person who has polycistic ovarian syndrome?

Ideal weight is based on length, gender, bone structure and musculature. Other metabolic factors aren't considered. PCOS makes it harder to achieve ideal weight, but doesn't change the goal value.

What kinds of obesity are there?

Twenty to forty percent over ideal weight is considered mildly obese; 40-100% over ideal weight is considered moderately obese; and 100% over ideal weight is considered severely, or morbidly, obese.

How did you know you have right weight?

Most of the weight calculations is based on height, others have different formulas in calculating the ideal weight. But experts reveals that the ideal weight depends on which weight level you feel you are more comfortable and healthy. You need to listen to your body's needs so you would know whether you feel healthy or not. The ideal weight is not only focus on the weighing scale.

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The very word ideal means somehow far away from practical. Pracitically, there would be friction. So in case of ideal mechanical advantage, frictional force is neglected.

What is the ideal weight for age 14?

To many factors to determine height genetics how built you are

What does ideal weight mean?

There is no 'ideal' weight for a human being because weight is related to height and body composition. What counts more than your body weight, is your body fat percentage.

What health factors will be considered before I am admitted into a weight loss hospital?

In most cases, the minimum qualification for consideration as a candidate for admittance is 100 lbs. above ideal body weight or those with a Body Mass Index of 40 or greater.

What is the ideal weight for a woman 55 years old and 5'2?

It depends on some other factors.

What is the ideal weight for a 5'3 woman age 41?

The ideal weight for a woman that height and age can be anywhere between 105-140 pounds. It can also vary - depending on your frame size, you can weigh more/less than that and still be considered an ideal weight!

What is the ideal range for pregnancy weight gain?

The ideal range for preganancy weight gain is generally considered to be 1.5 to 2.5 stone. However, this will vary for a women who is especially underweight or overweight.

What is considered fat for a medium build 5'' 4 boy?

The ideal weight range also depends on your age. If you're between 6 and 16, the ideal weight is lower than it is for adults. For an adult the ideal weight range for this height is 108 to 146 lbs, based on the BMI index. A weight of 175 lbs would be considered obese. Whatever your weight is, please talk to a doctor before trying any weight loss programs or diets.