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Earth cooled down enough for rain to fall.

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Q: What factors caused the ocean to form?
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What are the factors affecting current?

Deep ocean currents are caused by differences in saltiness or water temperature.

What is the cause of oceanic currents?

Ocean currents are caused by various factors. They are made from earthquakes, winds, tides and differences in density. The currents of the ocean have an effect on the weather.

What caused the oceans to form their shapes?

Meteor showers fell on earth and condensed into what is now the ocean.

What was the cause of the Indian ocean tsunmai?

An earthquake caused an undersea landslide. it also can form by an under water earthquake

What forces and factors affect the direction of the ocean current?

Deep ocean currents are caused by differences in saltiness or water temperature.

What plates causes mount saint Helen to form?

Tectonic movement in the ocean or sfs sea-floor spreading, caused it

What causes a rison to form?

A rison is formed when cold water rises to the ocean's surface due to factors like wind-induced upwelling or convection currents. This process brings nutrients and cooler water to the surface, which can stimulate the growth of marine life in the area.

Are they tornadoes or hurricanes in Madagascar?

There have been tornadoes in Madagascar that have caused serious damage. A tropical storm that originates over the Indian Ocean and winds get to 74 miles per hour are called cyclones. Hurricanes form over the Atlantic Ocean. Typhoons form over the Pacific Ocean.

What is the major human-caused problems int he ocean?

pollution is the main human caused problem in the ocean.

What type of ocean current caused the Titanic to sink?

An iceberg on the Altlantic Ocean Caused the fatal damage to the titanic.

What are ocean bulges caused by?

It is caused by the moon's gravitational force.

What caused a 2.5 square kilometer landmass to form in the ocean off the coast of Iceland in 1963?

Volcanic action. The island is called Surtsey.