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Q: What factors effect the survival and change of a species over time?
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How does competition effect an ecosystem?

Organisms all want the same resources.

Mutations within the DNA sequence of an organism can?

Result in early embryonic death, disease, deformity, have no obvious effect, have a long term positive effect if the mutation is beneficial to the subject organism's species as a whole and if environmental pressure increases the survival rate of individuals with the trait. Frequency of occurrence can decrease or increase based on genetic drift in smaller isolated populations.

Do your choices today affect survival evolution of species into the future?

No. The individual is selected and genes do not care for species, only for the reproductive success of the individual they reside in. Think statistically, your actions are only a small part of all the aggregate actions of the species. ANSWER: Another way to look at it involves the Butterfly Effect. Edward Lorenz explained that something as small as a butterfly flapping its wings in one place could create a storm much later, and thousands of miles away. However, your actions do not effect the evolution of humanity in any predictable way. However, keep in mind that the actions of individual people today do effect the survival or extinction of many other species. And if humans effect whether another species, or whether individuals of another species survive or die, we are effecting evolution. Take, for example, the fact that in the past, people hunted blue whales, and the largest ones were taken most often. This eliminated the large ones, naturally selecting smaller blue whales, so that today, blue whales are not as large, on average, as they were only a few hundred years ago. Similar things are happening today, creating antibiotic proof bacteria, herbicide resistant weeds, and pesticide resistant insects.

What is genic drift?

Genetic drift is change in allele frequencies due to random chance events. Two types are the Founder effect and the Bottleneck effect. The founder effect is when a subset of a population goes to a new are where there are no other of that same species. The bottleneck effect is when a large population is reduced to a small population. Genetic drift decreases variation in a population and has a greater effect on a smaller population than a larger one.

What are biotic and abiotic factors?

Abiotic factors are chemical and physical factors of the environment like climate and soil type - 'non living'Solar energy input is affected by season, cloud cover and changes in the Earth's orbit.Light is important for plants for photosynthesis, for seed germination, and for the behaviour of animals like reproduction timeClimate are rainfall, wind, and high temperatureTopography are the surface of the land like height of mountains, the positions of the slopes that affect drainage, and the behaviour of organismsOxygen availabilityEdaphic is connected with the soil like the pH of the soil, mineral salt of soil, the soil texturePollution in the air, water, landCatastrophes like earthquakesBiotic factors are things done by organisms like predation and competition - 'living'Competition like for food, habitat, and mates can be either interspecific (between species) or intraspecific (within species)Mutualism is the relation between partnersGrazing, predation,Parasitism is the relationship between 2 species where one benefits from the otherBiotic factors are density dependent which describes the factors that affect the size of the population relative to the area of the land. The bigger the population the greater the competition for food and habitat due to less land.biotic factors are a living thing

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evolution within a species. the allele frequencies in a gene pool of a population

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What can effect the survival of a population?

Water or the lack of it. All humans require FRESH water, if it is not readily available the the population does not survive.