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Q: What factors helped Ancient Greece give rise to philosophy?
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The importance of philosophy in ancient China is that it helped them define their ideologies.

How did the trojan war help the people of ancient Greece understand their history?

The Trojan war helped Greece build the historical buildings which helped then understand their history.

In what lawmaking body did people vote on issues hat helped to shape the future of the city in ancient Greece?

The Assembly of the citizens.

What were the role of the monasteries after the fall of rome?

The monks helped humanity after the fall of the western empire by preserving many of the ancient writings of both Greece and Rome. We get much of our knowledge of ancient thought due to the efforts of the monks.The monks helped humanity after the fall of the western empire by preserving many of the ancient writings of both Greece and Rome. We get much of our knowledge of ancient thought due to the efforts of the monks.The monks helped humanity after the fall of the western empire by preserving many of the ancient writings of both Greece and Rome. We get much of our knowledge of ancient thought due to the efforts of the monks.The monks helped humanity after the fall of the western empire by preserving many of the ancient writings of both Greece and Rome. We get much of our knowledge of ancient thought due to the efforts of the monks.The monks helped humanity after the fall of the western empire by preserving many of the ancient writings of both Greece and Rome. We get much of our knowledge of ancient thought due to the efforts of the monks.The monks helped humanity after the fall of the western empire by preserving many of the ancient writings of both Greece and Rome. We get much of our knowledge of ancient thought due to the efforts of the monks.The monks helped humanity after the fall of the western empire by preserving many of the ancient writings of both Greece and Rome. We get much of our knowledge of ancient thought due to the efforts of the monks.The monks helped humanity after the fall of the western empire by preserving many of the ancient writings of both Greece and Rome. We get much of our knowledge of ancient thought due to the efforts of the monks.The monks helped humanity after the fall of the western empire by preserving many of the ancient writings of both Greece and Rome. We get much of our knowledge of ancient thought due to the efforts of the monks.

What was democracy in Ancient Greece?

A democracy is a type of government that we Americans use today. Democracy means "rule by the people" . In other words, meaning the citizens of ancient Greece had the freedom to vote or to have many other rights in their city-state. Athens used democracy. Hoped this helped! :)

What helped shape William goldings philosophy of human nature?

Fighting in World War II helped shape his philosophy.

Where was iron traded in ancient Greece?

Yes iron WAS traded during ancient greek times it was mainly shipped across the country from each dock to get as much asthey could for their weapons. Hope this helped :)

Words that start with Q in ancient Greece?

There is no Q in the ancient greek alphabet. There was a qoppa, but it was an allophone for kappa - see I am doing a project for school right now on Ancient Greece. We have to have a word for each letter of the alphabet. For "Q" I put quail. The Greek god Hephaestus's' favorite bird was the quail. There are not any other words involved with Ancient Greece that start with "Q". I hope this helped you.

What do children do in ancient Greece?

Boys usually went to school then into army training, while girls had little education and helped around the house, but it varies according to city-state

Where does volleyball come from?

Greece :) hope i helped! i studied it for 5 years in Greece with my ma

What did tourism do for Greece?

It helped the economy of the country.

What event helped to shape this philosophy of William golding?

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