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Q: What factors increase and decrease solubility?
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Related questions

How can you increase the solubility of a gaseous solute?

Decrease the temperature, if aqueous. Increase the pressure.

What changes gas solubility?

Solubility can increase and decrease with temperature variations and changes, Pressure can increase and decrease solubility with difference pressure variations, the nature of the gas and the nature of the solvent as well chance the solubility of the gas.

Does helium gas solubility decrease as temperature increase?


Why the solubility of calcium chromate decreases with increase in temperature?

due to the presencec of chromium metal as temprature increase solubility decrease

Does the solubility of potassium nitrate in water increase or decrease as the temperature rises?


Why does the solubility of gases increase in liquids on increassing the temperature?

It doesn't. In general solubility of gases decrease as temperature increases.

How temperature affects the solubility of sodium sulfate?

As temperature increase the solubility of sodium sulfate decrease

How do you increase the solubility of a solution?

The term 'solubility of a solution' is meaningless. Perhaps you mean how do you increase the solubility of a solute in a solvent? In that case, if your solute is a solid, increase the temperature, and if it is a gas, decrease the temperature.

Why solubility of hydrocarbons decreases as no of carbon atoms increases?

the solubility of the hydrocarbons decrease because as the number of carbons increase the electron density of the electronegative element i.e.oxygen increase and the polarity of o-H bond decrease . Thus the capability of hydrocarbon to form hydrogen bond decrease and its solubility decrease

Does gas solubility increase decrease or remain the same if a person is placed in the hyperbaric chamber?

The gas solubility in blood increase in a hyperbaric room.

How does temperaures affect the solubility of a solute in solvent?

Generally the solubility of solids in solvents increase with the temperature and the solubility of gases in solvents decrease with the temperature.

What is the relationship between solubility of a gas and a solid vs. temperature.?

When the temperature increase, the kinetic energy of the solid,liquid and gas particles increase. Therefor collisions between solute and solvent particles increase. So solubility of solids increase with temperature. But solubility of gasses decrease.