

Best Answer

Gravity is one, volcanic activity, Mudslides, Earthquake shocks, Human modifications.

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Q: What factors increase the potential for mass movement?
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Related questions

What will happen if you increase the mass of an object what will the potential energy do?

If you increase the mass of an object, the potential energy will increase.

How does mass and height affect potential energy?

Increased mass and/or height increase potential energy.

What does potential energy depend on to increase?

Potential Energy depends on mass and height to increase(: Hope that helps.MassHeight

What factors does potential energy depend on?

Height and mass

What are factors that determine the size of the electric potential and electric potential energy?

Mass and Charge

What are the factors that can affect mass movement?

Mass movement refers to the movement of surface material due to gravity. Other factors that can trigger mass movement are deforestation, saturation of surface materials with water, earthquakes and flash floods.

What two factors does potential energy depend on?

Height and mass

How does height and mass affec gravitational potential energy?

Both increase it.

What 2 factors determine gravitational potential energy?

Mass and distance

Will mass affect the amount of gravitational potential energy?

Yes. Mass is one of the variables (mass, gravity and height) for which gravitational potential energy is the product (meaning the multiplication of), so increasing mass will increase the gravitational potential energy in direct proportion.

Human activity that can increase the risk of mass movement?

this doesn't help you

Meaning of mass wasting?

Mass wasting or mass movement refers to the movement of rock debris down a slope due to the influence of gravity. The movement is induced by natural factors or by human interferance on hill slope. The movement can be slow or fast.