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Q: What factors motivated the beginning of the atlantic slave trade?
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What event brought on the beginning of the Atlantic Slave Trade?

dancing in the dark

What are some factors that made the Atlantic slave trade possible?

Strategic Plan

What did the Atlantic slave trade trade?

slaves hence the name Atlantic SLAVE trade

What were the early slaves captured by the Portuguese used for?

Portugal, which played an important role in both the beginning of the Atlantic Slave Trade as well as the Asian Slave Trade, always used slaves for economic reasons. They originally used slaves as a medium of trade.

What motivated Tubman?

She was slave and wanted to escape. That was her motivation.

What was the Atlantic crossing in the slave trade known as what?

Slave Passage

How did the Atlantic Slave Trade differ from other slave systems?

The Atlantic Slave trade was by far the largest slave trade in quantity of people transported. It was also the one with the longest sea voyage.

Was the Atlantic Slave Trade the first kind of slave trade occurring in Africa?

No. Slavery and the slave trade had been going on in Africa for centuries before the Atlantic Slave trade came into being.

What geographic factors influenced the development of the Atlantic slave trade?

Some Geographic factors were: the climate of the southern colonies was suited to Growing certain crops like cotton tobacco and sugarcane

What motivated Harriet Tubman?

She was slave and wanted to escape. That was her motivation.

How long did the Atlantic slave last?

How long did the European Slave Trade last?

What country dominated the slave trade?

Britain dominated the Atlantic slave trade.