

What family are blueberries in?

Updated: 10/7/2023
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13y ago

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from what family type comes the blueberry?

My answer is from arandanos family

i dont now how to say it in inglish sorry ;)

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Q: What family are blueberries in?
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What are blueberries?

Blueberries are a berry that is blue!

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Blueberries are a fruit.I like blueberries.The rabbit took the blueberries back to the burrow for her young.Would you like some blueberries in your ice cream?

Can you freeze blueberries?

Yes you can freeze blueberries.

What do blueberries do for body?

Blueberries are full of antioxidants. Blueberries therefore help fight against cancer and aging.

Are blueberries juicy?

yes, blueberries are juicy in nature.

What is heathier watermealon or blueberries?

Blueberries because of their colour.

Do beavers eat blueberries?

If blueberries are available they will eat them.

Do Blueberries have a stem or vine?

Blueberries grow on shrubs, they are not vineing plants. The blueberries attach to the shrub with small stems.

How many calories in 30 blueberries?

Depending on the size of the blueberries, 30 blueberries can range from 23-30 calories.