

What family are the bees in?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Bees are in the Super Family Apoidea, which is then divided further into 9 families:

Apidae (honey bees and bumblebees belong in this family),









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Q: What family are the bees in?
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Do honey bees have relatives?

Honey bees are insects in the family Hymenoptera. Other members of the family are the other varieties of bees (bumble bees, solitary bees, carder bees, stingless bees, and so on), wasps, ants, saw flies, and hover flies among others.

What is apid?

An apid is a member of the Apidae, a large family of bees, including honey bees, stingless bees, carpenter bees, orchid bees, cuckoo bees, and bumblebees.

What is an apid?

An apid is a member of the Apidae, a large family of bees, including honey bees, stingless bees, carpenter bees, orchid bees, cuckoo bees, and bumblebees.

Why are bumblebees in the family apidae?

Because that is the family for bees.

What is the honey bees family?


What is the family of killer honey bees?

a fish

Are wasps and bees in the same family?


How many bees die a day?

millions of bees die in a day.since bees and flies are in the same family they both only live for five days.

Do leafcutter bees live alone?

no they live with a family.

What is the family for bumble bees?

FamilyApidae Order Hymenoptera

Why are there different types of bees?

Well, Theres killer bees. And honey bees. Honey bees collect food for there family/home members. Killer bees protect the hive and also try to gather food honey bees dont sting. there nice =))

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it calms bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees bees yes write all of that