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Noble gasses have the complete octet of valence electrons. The are in the family 18 of the Periodic Table. They are unlikely to react with other elements.

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Q: What family has complete octet of valence electrons?
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What does the atom of an element belonging to the noble gas family have?

A complete octet of electrons (8) in the outer-most, or valence, shell.

How many valance electrons does the oxygen have?

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if it is a noble gas it already has an octet, otherwise, it would need to gain or use electrons to complete an octet and would no longer be neutral or unbounded.

What family contains a full octet of valence electrons?

This is the family of noble gases (group 18).

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No, it doesn't have a complete octet. Phosphorous is in group 5A, meaning it has 5 valence electrons (5 electrons on its outest shell).

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there are 6 electrons in valence shell of sulphur so it accepts two electrons to complete the octet (8 electrons in last shell) so its valency in ionic compounds is always - 2.

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covalent - which means "sharing of valence electrons"

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Li3N because Lithium will give 3 electrons to complete Nitrogen's octet as N has 5 electrons in it's valence shell and needs 3 more to complete it's octet.

How many valence electrons does oxygen gain?

Oxygen tends to gain two electrons to complete its "octet", making it O2- with the electron configuration 1s22s22p6