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Generally, a compete valence shell holds EIGHT electrons.

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Q: Generally a complete valence shell holds how many electrons.?
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Arsenic is atomic number 33 and has 5 valence electrons. Method for finding valence electrons: All electrons are arranged in orbital shells. The inner shell can hold up to 2 electrons. The second shell holds up to 8. The third shell holds up to 18 and so on. The outer shell holds the valence electrons. To find out how many there are, count the electrons in the inner shells 2+8+18 = 28, in this case, and subtract them from the 33 electrons that Arsenic has: 33 - 28 = 5 valence electrons.

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What is the energy level farthest away from the nucleus of the atom that holds 8 or more valence electrons?

The valence electrons of an atom are those electrons that are in its outer energy shell or that are available for bonding. The electrons more loosely held by the nucleus - are the ones that are gained, lost or shared.

What attracions holds together in a covalent bond?

A covalent bond occurs when atoms share valence electrons.

How many orbitals does potassium have?

Potassium has 4 orbitals. The atomic number of potassium is 19, therefore, potassium has 19 electrons. Orbital 1 holds 2 electrons, Orbital 2 holds 8 electrons, Orbital 3 holds 8 electrons, and Orbital 4 holds 1 electron. *Note: Potassium has 1 valence electron.

How does a covalently bonded molecule holds itself together?

Covalent bonds are formed by atoms sharing valence electrons.

How many electrons is there in the outer most energy level?

For Hydrogen and Helium, the valence band [1S] holds two electrons. For the next series of the periodic table, eight electrons fill the two valence bands, 1S and 3P (two each equals 8).

When is an atom most stable?

Answer When the outermost shell(valence shell) is filled the atom is to be most stable. First Shell: holds up to 2 electrons Second Shell: holds up to 8 electrons Third Shell: holds up to 18 electrons Fourth Shell: holds up to 32 electrons

How is the periodic table used to determine the number of electrons available for bonding?

The number of the vertical column- or group- that the particular element is in indicates the number of valence electrons available for bonding. For example, Lithium has one valence electron, whereas oxygen has six.