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Q: What famous dam in the US starts with an h?
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Who is a famous person that starts with the letter h and is alive?

Hillary Clinton has a first name that starts with H and she is alive.

Name a state that starts with h?

A US state that starts with the letter "H" is Hawaii.

What famous person's name starts with h?

Harriet Tubman

What percentage of US power is Hoover Dam?

The Hoover Dam generates 4.2 billion kW/h of electricity each year. The United States produced about 4.151 trillion kW/h of electricity in 2010. This means the Hoover Dam produced about .101% of the total US power.

What is a famous place that starts with the letter H?

Haiti, Honolulu, or Hawaii

What is a famous person who's last name starts with H?

Hugh Hefner

Who is a famous athlete whose last name starts h?

juan horward

Which US states start with the letter H?

Hawaii is the only state that starts with an H.

What is a state that starts with an h in the US?

Hawaii is a U.S. state. It begins with the letter h.

Facts about the southern US that starts with H?

Houston, Texas is a city in the southern US.

What is famous in Wisconsin and starts with the letter H?

House on the Rock is one of the major tourism spots in Wisconsin.

What has the author G H K Dam written?

G. H. K. Dam has written: 'Microprocessor hardware from the microcomputer to the personal computer'