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Henry Winkler, the actor who played the Fonz on Happy Days. See his participation on "The Doctors"

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Q: What famous people have irlen syndrome?
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Is irlen syndrome recessive or dominant?

Irlen Syndrome is definitely genetic. Research has shown that in 83% of 265 subjects studied, either mother, father or both also had Irlen Syndrome. At this stage we do not know if it is recessive or dominant. You can also acquire symptoms of Irlen Syndrome after a head injury, concussion, or whiplash, or as a result of certain medical and vision conditions. Helen Irlen, Executive Director,

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whos famous and ha usher syndrome

Why do famous people have Asperger's Syndrome?

A small fraction of the population has Asperger's Syndrome. It is likely that some of these people would become famous. People with Asperger's Syndrome can excel in their special interest areas and thus can become famous in those areas. There are famous historical people who are speculated to have Asperger's Syndrome because of a few traits known about them. They did not necessarily have Asperger's Syndrome.

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I have it ;)

Who are some famous people with Rett syndrome?

As of 2014, there are no reported famous people who suffer with Rett syndrome. This condition affects the central nervous system.

Are there any famous people who have Cockayne syndrome?

There's bound to be someone out there with Cockayne syndrome.

Are there any famous people that have Turner syndrome?

Linda Hunt

Famous people who have triple x syndrome?

not that people know of there is not anyone

Any famous people that have cat cry syndrome?

nooooooooooooooooooo Ashley petruccio does she is a famous singer

Are there any famous people who have got Asperger's Syndrome?

Glen Gould

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Is their a cure to dyslexia?

No but it can get better I'm pretty sure. The way to help a person or child with Dyslexia is with the Irlen Method, founded by Helen Irlen, Author of the book, "Reading by the Colors." To read more about the Irlen Method and to see if it can help you go to; Also check out or