

What famous people like pigs?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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Q: What famous people like pigs?
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A stomach is attached the esophagus. A pigs anatomy is a lot like a human most people use pigs to understand the human anatomy.

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she like singing because she like it and she famous and that what famous people do

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Pigs like carrots. Pigs will follow you if you are holding a carrot on a stick.

What does pigs like to do?

Pigs like to sleep all day:)

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Pigs are affectionate, loving, and somewhat smart. Not sure if they are as intelligent as a dog though. People would have more pigs as pets. They are clean if given a clean environment.

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Anime is famous because it is different to normal drawings. people like what anime looks like. Not everyone but a lot of people do. Anime is famous because people like how it is unique rto different artists.

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Anime is famous because it is different to normal drawings. people like what anime looks like. Not everyone but a lot of people do. Anime is famous because people like how it is unique rto different artists.

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straw like the 3 little pigs.

What do Belfast people eat?

They eat Sausages and Ham,Mat like Pigs meat