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The famous scientist that had a low IQ was named: Jin Choi Wong.

He inventing the automatic toothbrush, and the spray bottle.

Hope this helps! :)

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Q: What famous scientist had a low IQ?
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What is a low IQ?

a low IQ is when somebody with a low IQ is not so smart if u have a high IQ it means u r smart

Is a IQ of 116 good if you want to be come a scientist?

The average IQ is from 90-115. so an IQ of 116 isn't bad. And not all scientists were gifted. You do not need to be gifted to be a scientist.

What's a low IQ?

Low IQ means that you are under averagely smart!

What is the average IQ of a scientist?

IQ has nothing to do with intelligence, just how fast intelligence is gained

What is the average IQ of a reseach scientist?

IQ has nothing to do with intelligence, just how fast intelligence is gained

Am I mostly likely to have a low IQ if my parents IQ is low?

While there may be a genetic component to intelligence, many factors can influence an individual's IQ beyond just parental IQ. Environmental factors, education, nutrition, and early childhood experiences all play a role in cognitive development. It is not guaranteed that having parents with a low IQ will mean you will also have a low IQ.

What does an IQ of 40 mean?

IQ of '40' is very low, to the point of imbecility.

What does an IQ of 154 mean?

An IQ of 154 is extremely high and very rare. Think scientist and inventor.

Which IQ do I have?

The low one.

If people took mates of equal intelligence for the purpose of reproduction what would happen to the human population in the long run?

That would pretty much depend on which percentage of people is higher...High IQ or Low IQ. If the largest percentage of the population was Low IQ for example than they would continue to produce a large number of Low IQ children and those children would then chose equally Low IQ mates the IQ of general society would be low. If the largest percentage of people was High IQ then again the number of High IQ people would continue to rise. High or low eventually society would even out to a fairly consistant IQ level through out the population. If this IQ level is high society may become more advanced and progress. If this IQ level is low then society may fall behind and not progress well.

Is an IQ of 51 low?

Yes a person with an IQ of 51 would have a mental disability.

Apparently i have a low IQ is that bad?

Having a lower IQ does not mean that you are less valuable or capable than others. It is just a measure of cognitive ability and doesn't define your worth as a person. There are many other forms of intelligence and skills that can contribute to your success and happiness. It's important to focus on your strengths and work on areas that you want to improve on.