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This would be the classic recipe for a waterfall.

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Q: What feature may form by erosion on a river where a layer of soft rock lies beneath a layer of hard rock?
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An example of a land feature formed by river erosion is?

An example of a land feature formed by river erosion is the oxbow lakes.

What is beneath a river?

A lot of dirt, sand and rocks from where the erosion was sunk into the sand.

Which is a glacier feature caused by erosion?

In cross-section: A 'U' shaped valley is formed from glacial erosion. A 'V' shaped valley is formed by river erosion.

Erosion can cause what feature of a river?

Erosion of the river banks altering the course; deposition of gravel, sand and mud in calmer stretches; obstructing of the river mouth with sand-bars forming in the estuary and inshore.

What feature have archeologists discovered about the first civilizations of Indus River?

they found a city that lay beneath the earth

How does erosion effect Mississippi River?

Erosion effects the Mississippi river by causing collapse in the banks of the river. Erosion also causes the river to change course slightly as the banks change.

When a river carries away rock particles this is known as the process of?

Erosion by moving water in a river is called fluvial erosion.

Is it erosion or weathering that widens a river's bank?

It is erosion by flowing water, especially when the river is in spate, that can widen the river's banks.

Is a river erosion faster than a wave erosion?

It depends how fast the wave and river speed are.

Was the Arkansas River Valley formed by erosion or depostion?

The Arkansas River was formed by erosion, not deposition.

What type of erosion was the Grand Canyon formed by?

Well it was formed by the Colorado river! Which is water erosion!

What kind of erosion can affect a river valley?

Water erosion