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They have a spine.

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Q: What features do tuataras have that classify them as vertebrate animals?
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Animals and money

How do you classify a lion?

Lions are animals. They are vertebrate animals. They are mammal vertebrates. They are carnivore mammals. They are cat carnivores. They are Panthera leo.

What features do repitiles have to classify as a animal?

reptiles are animals so all of their features classify. reptiles are not mammals though if that what is being asked.

Why are some vertebrates hard to classify?

Because some animals have features of different groups of vertebrate. For example the duck built platypus is classified as a mammal but has some bird (a beak) and it lays eggs which a mammal doesn't do.

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Is wind an invertebrate?

No. The terms vertebrate and invertebrate are used to classify animals. Wind is not an animal, nor is it even alive. It is simple the movement of air.

What is the relationship between the length of a herbivore vertebrate and a carnivore vertebrate with respects to the structures and its functions?

Herbivores generally have longer digestive tracts compared to carnivores. This is because plant matter is harder to digest and requires more time to break down. Carnivores, on the other hand, have shorter digestive tracts as meat is easier to digest and doesn't require as much processing. Ultimately, the length of the digestive tract is adapted to the specific diet of the animal, whether it be herbivorous or carnivorous.

What are some of the features of animals scientists use to classify them?

One of the features is Taxomamy. Two is something. Three is something. Four is something. Five is something.

What are some endangered NZ animals?

tuataras kiwis wekas and more

What group can you classify a vertebrate animal into?

Ok vertabrates are animals with no back bones witch can be: sponges, echinoderms, celentrates, ( idont remember how to spell it) that's all i can remember.

What do vertebrate animals do?

Vertebrate animals have backbones, and so do not need as much muscle as invertebrate animals to keep there shape

What characteristics do scientists used to classify animals?

Some characteristics that scientists use to classify animals are how many cells they have, their species, genus and family and what they eat.