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Q: What figurative language term is this passage an example of and ldquoJust as the prophets of the eighth century B.C. left their villages and carried their thus saith the Lord far beyond the boundaries?
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What language did the prophets speak?

There have been prophets in almost every culture of the world, speaking thousands of languages.If you're talking about prophets of the Hebrew Bible, most spoke Hebrew. The later prophets spoke Aramaic.

Who were the 15 classical prophets of Israel?

All prophets after Jonah are classical Prophets

What is meant by Exile Prophets and Post Exile Prophets?

The meaning of exile prophets means prophets who worked while in exile like daniel, post exile prophets are prophets just before a exile came like Jeremiah.

Who are the major Prophets of atheism?

There are no prophets of atheism.

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What are two prophets of Bible?

In the bible there are two main type of prophets. They are the major and minor prophets.

Who of the twelve disciples were major and minor prophets?

The 12 disciples were not prophets.

What prophets are not in bible?

The Tanach (Jewish Bible) includes the Jewish prophets, it does not include the prophets of other religions.

How many prophets are in the Bible?

There were 48 prophets in the bible.

What prophets are known as major prophets?

The major prophets were Samuel , Daniel, Jeremiah, Isaiah.Ezekiel.The major prophets are:Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel DanielThe minor prophets are:Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah haggai Zechariah MalachiThe minor prophets are called the minor prophets because the lives of the prophets were more obscure and their writings were shorter not because they were less important.

What did the Hebrews believe the prophets were?

The true prophets were God's messengers.

What are the non prophets of animal abuse?

if they are non prophets then there is no prophet