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possibly curcue du freak

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Q: What film is about a boy that gets taken away to a freak show kind of thing and then falls in love with a girl then his best friend is going against him on the evil side and has to save his family?
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Who was freak in freak the mighty?

his only friend is Max Kane.

Is there a waterfall that falls up?

Nup! Freak out!

What film is about a boy that gets taken away to a freak show kind of thing and then falls in love with a girl whilst his best friend is going against him on the evil side and then has to save his fam?

The vampires assistant which is a stupid movie and is nothing like the book which is freaking awesome

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Who is Chris albi?

my friend who is a freak

Why does my friend freak out around my parrot?

It is possible your friend has Ornithophobia. This is the phobia of birds.

What lesson can you learn from Freak the Mighty?

Friend ship

Why does my friend freak out when she thinks you have forgotten about her?

Your friend probably has Athazagoraphobia. This is the phobia of being forgotten.

What do you call you friend when all your friend talks about is perverted stuff?

A perv A freak Or a George Lopez

Why does my friend freak out when the teacher puts a paper on their desk?

It is possible that your friend has Papyrophobia. The fear of paper.Or your friend didn't study for the test.

What does max gain in Freak the Mighty?

he gains a friend. at the beginning he is alone but freak changes that. He also gains confidence about him self through being Freak the Mighty.

Is it against the law to get your mom pregnant if your i8?

Eww,you freak!