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Q: What finding is most likely to result from consuming a large amount of water while performing a strenuous activity in a hot humid environment?
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How do animals lose energy?

Animals lose energy simply by existing. The more strenuous the activity they are performing, the more energy they will lose.

How this relate to the burn felt during strenuous activity?

Burning felt (a type of fabric) has nothing to do with strenuous activity.

Is bowling a strenuous activity?

No, it's a mild activity, because you have periods of resting along the game. Moreover, it's also a social meeting, where you can have a talk with your friends, in a pleasant environment.

Explain the effects of strenuous muscular activity on breathing rate?

Strenuous muscular activity is basically a fancy way to say exercise. As muscles are worked harder, they demand more oxygen, so your breathing rate increases with strenuous muscular activity.

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What does it mean when your fingers hurt?

Could be growing pains or you did some strenuous activity with them.

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What substance is produced anaerobically during strenuous activity?

Alcohol (and CO2), or Lactic Acid

What do muscle cells run low on during periods of strenuous activity?

It`s Oxygen

What is a par q?

The Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire is designed for self-screening by anyone who is planning to start an exercise program of moderate to strenuous activity.